The film that I wanted to put the framework in detail once again to remind him, is called 'The Adjustment Bureau' I found myself how it assessed the whole criticker.com with 99 points, which I only happens a second time (first was The Legend of 1900), of 287 rated movies out there. The film is a romance with a sci-fi elements (a favorite combination), but I think the point is quite fair, I pull my hand and subjective omilenosti the film.
It imagines a story where there is a determination by beings from another world who are powerful to implement it in this planet. Lately very often
open questions about human free will, so here is a science fiction way to explain that is advantage of this loophole and ambiguity that the confused physicians and psychologists.The idea is that these creatures nadmokjni make the decisions for us. They did it to 1910 where he made a break to follow our ability to manage the world, but we fell a little test and will explode the planet. So here's determiniscite back to work. They have until today and further down, learn the world of free will, taking him in January Matt Damon (Matt Damon) is a major role, along with Emily Blunt (Emily Blunt). Damon will make the first small step for him and great for humanity, he will win the battle which was to take away free will, and will return back. He does it with love, he does it with inspiration.

Girl in the story is too chemically related to it, according to people who plan to implement determinizmot had to meet with him in the 70's, but the plan changed, and again in the 80's, but still comes to change the plan, and this time they just make him deliberately to zaponae, although the plan may never again see these two will be linked so strongly, that will create a real mess trying to split them. The reason these deliberately introduced is exactly the inspiration that she will awaken him to the next losers Damon speech (otherwise you will lose before the political elections). The speech will be so honest and inspiring to do whist
inska revolution of the American people, after which it again loved by the people and move on to win the next presidential election. Interesting is that if you are with the girl, his dream will not happen, nor her - to become a famous dancer (and is not on track). Once you are aware obajsni reason for their separation, they decide to abandon dreams of life and be together. It will inspire one member of the creatures they care about determinizmot to convince the writer of the plan (the main among them) to be inspired by this situation and edited the book with plans.

Hence samoprashanjeto arises: if we would give up our greatest dreams of success in life to be with that person (due to certain reasons) is chemically related to us? And if this decision will decide whether we have or not, free will? If you ask yourself what would have chosen - without tip or uspun bottomless abyss, which would choose? Wonderful questions I think that maybe the decision to drop the awakening of free will in us. That success is Chain Chaining its free will.
On the way we are one big lesson related to free will, love and inspiration, which should odzhiveeme to understand the extent necessary to make several changes because of that. The film is only flash of pure consciousness, which in the next moment will disappear and we will continue with free or less free, and own - life.
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