I think that consciousness has the capacity to change reality according to you, as I knew that if you sleep, then sleep. Also if I knew you were crazy, then you're crazy. On the other hand, lack of awareness by you, you change the existing reality, as if unaware that they are destroyed, will destroy and will not do anything about it, and reality will have the full control over you.
Clear plastic is not aware, because whatever you read (or read) will not matter until you know the real thing. Somewhere I read that everything we do leads to our destruction, and even not mo rabbi nothing. But that destruction is natural, and that the title you plan to treat psychological (or spiritual). This destruction is thought very similar to Oblivion, for example if you forget me, it means you're not aware that I exist, which means analogous in that moment you do not exist. Until he does, which makes me aware of, or be reminded that I exist. Your forgetting, destroyed things that previously existed, or for you.
But it is not so important if you've forgotten someone's existence. What if you forget yourself?

Once in a rented apartment in Skopje with a friend talked about the difference between psychedelic trance and psychedelic music and a few threads o e unskilled psychology (what the experts write books), this proved to be interesting, but her em is actually impractical, ie . in life do something completely different and things to take wage, not because em is interesting. The same probably happens with the employee in Anhoch Vodnjanska, who did not know whether the Android 2.2 supports jutub application, and must look at the catalog price to read that I did not ask because I know by heart the exact prices for all tablet PC that have. Concluded that it is very likely that her work is not em interesting. And this happens to maybe 90% of the population of the country. What if this means that we are forgetting yourself?
The only positive point in this is consciousness. It can remind us all of what he will decide to recall or become aware of its existence, which means that forgotten things we can restore back. The only damage is the destruction of yourself is irreversible because there is no one to recover, because the only one who can do it (n), is you.
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