"I'm here" is a short film in the genre of romance fiction or in this case science fiction base. It lasts 30 minutes (presented below is the full version for free viewing here) and even was an alternative depicts a world where robots would live among men, with equal (or nearly equal) rights. They have the same feeling of love as we are, and their different way of handling it and how many more parts of itself (unlike us) can donate in love, we are shown the immense short film by Spike Jonze - " I'm here ". The film was created this year (2010 th), and this [link] video showing details of the project and movement.

Perhaps a small sense of post-movie feeling on the very end of the film will pose the question: can we love to give away more parts of us, it will surely do, but how to live afterwards when love will be gone, and we're gave himself in her honor?
Pleasant enjoy the movie!
PS Full screen is a mandatory recommendation if you choose to see it from here.
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